Convocation Notes: August 12, 2021
Convocation 8 (Zoom)
August 12, 2021
Beasts of the Bay (Jeremy)
Deep Spawners (Andy)
Emerald Trolls (Shawn)
Horde (Cam)
Clerk (Scott)
Update by-laws to 24 month term
- Already updated
- Everyone supports the idea of PAC set of proxies allowed at our events
- Sell set to members and give artists a portion of proceeds
- What about proxies not in the PAC set?
- To discuss more and reconvene
- Casual environment – no issue
- Tournaments – up to TO
- Do you need to own the card to use the proxy?
- Limit on how many can be used
- Don’t want to see fully proxied decks with cards that are not easily identifiable as fake
COVID policies
- Always best to discuss with attendees at any event, casual or tournaments
- Meetups at bars/restaurants would already require to follow COVID restrictions
- Vaccination proof required for all tournaments
- Follow mask mandate for each region
- Follow gathering size mandate for each region
ACTION: Come up with disclaimer language on PAC website to cover the following topics: proxies, liability, COVID guidelines
- Add a PAC disclaimer for ticketed events
- We are a rules committee only, not sponsors
- You are responsible for your own belongings
- Proof of vaccination
- Maybe even a negative test result a certain number of days before event
In-person play amongst groups
- Overall pretty quiet
- Trolls
- 2 meetups since July
- Weekly meetup at LGS
- Big event planned for October- Puget Sound Battleground
- Horde
- Small meetup once a month
Format adjustments
- Not enough in-person play to change format
- Good time to test tweaks for possible future changes
- Unban Channel
- Change wording on some cards
- e.g., add word “other” on Mishra’s Factory
- Strip Mine to work like Wasteland
- 2-of option for certain cards
- Example – 2 Wheels allowed but no Timetwister
- 2 Strips
- Cam can test ideas with The Horde in October
- Create a PAC beta ban list to try a few different ideas
- Check back in 2 weeks for suggestions
- Make changes to rule set yearly to keep things fresh
Yearly PAC Cup / playoff between groups
- Winning club picks charities or gets some benefit for the year
- Discuss topics with each group
- Proxies
- Physical security regarding high value of cards
- COVID policy
- Format restrictions such as 2-ofs