Convocation Notes

Convocation Notes: 12/4/2019

Pacific Old School Council Convocation 3

Attended by:

Horde (Aaron)
Deep Spawners (Brian)
Desert Twisters (Justin)
Emerald Trolls (Shawn)
Beasts of the Bay (Mith)
Clerk (Jeremy)

Topic 1: Banning Players

Should we change by-laws to unanimous bans to reflect total conference position?

Trolls: Motion to change it from absolute majority to unanimous or remove it completely from by-laws and leave it individual by group

Vote conducted to limit PAC to coordination of individual group ban lists and not maintain a ban list as a conference. Clerk will draft up some language to slot in

Aye: 4/5 (Troll, Horde, Spawner, Twister)
Abstain: Beasts

Current Player Ban List by Group:
Trolls: Joe Wang, Antoine Rottiers
Beasts: Joe Wang, Brian Weissman, Antoine Rottiers
DT: no discussion any bans, but would announce on Facebook page in future is any
Horde: no current ban list
Spawners: no current ban list, will deal case by case if they sign up to private event

Topic 2: Rules changes

Groundrule for discussion: Any rules changes would be announced AFTER winter derby

Beasts: Motion to Unlimited Restrict Plague Rats Spawners and Horde motion to defer so they can discuss with their groups. All Discussions should occur with ‘inner circles’ to avoid any panic or unintentional financial impacts

Mana Burn: When do mana pools empty after each phase and step? Should we clarify amongst all the NA rulesets.
Action: Mith to coordinate with Jaco and DFB and try to adopt a common language (OSPC language being the initial starting point)

Chaos Orb: continuing discord discussion to unrestrict. Maybe add more rotations or height increases as a fun and dexterous element to each additional Orb. Spawners have been testing and DT hosting event in April that will be based around this. Soliciting for more feedback on testing.

Mishra’s Factory: Errata: Target “other” worker. Prevent Tap Blocking, which would limit the power level of the card. Beasts ask for deferral to discuss with inner circle

Topic 3: Future Events

Future idea to host event with Scryings and consider something new and be trailblazers with the format. Maybe consider some 2-ofs. Jeremy takes a post adjournment action to commission a logo for OSPC